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Bright Financial Futures are important to us! That's why we've partnered with Banzai to provide the best financial literacy materials. Browse the collections below to learn more!

Financial Foundations


Bar Graph Sticker

Personal Financial Wellness Assessment

The Financial Wellness Assessment analyzes your spending, budgeting, and saving habits so you can reflect on how you’re managing your personal finances.

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Check Sticker

Opening a Checking Account

In a digital spending and online banking world, checking accounts are becoming an increasingly vital part of personal finance.

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Safe Sticker

Basic Saving

Whether you're saving for a rainy day or a rainy trip to London, mastering the basics of saving can help you reach your goals.

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Pie Graph Sticker

Life Changes

As with any major life change, if you have a better grasp of the financial requirements and tasks, you can be better prepared for what's ahead.

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Calculator Sticker


Taxes are full of nuance and complicated jargon, these resources can help

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Sun Sticker

Saving for a Vacation

What do a trip to Cancun and a trip to Idaho have in common? They cost money! Save for your trip, no matter the size.

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Dollar Sticker

Giving to Charity

Give a little or give a lot, giving to charity offers more than just warm feelings. Understand the impact on your taxes and budget.

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Leaf Sticker

Begin Investing

Investing can seem overwhelming. Stocks, growth, and markets—it's a lot to learn, but anyone can do it, and it's easier than you think.

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Slider Graph Sticker

Managing Debt

Many people find themselves in debt, and many people also find ways out of it. Don't be discouraged, there are ways to manage your bills and come out on top.

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Credit & Debt


Credit Card Sticker

Using Credit Cards

Using credit cards wisely paves the way for big purchases in the future, but be wary of spending more than you can manage.

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Calendar Sticker

Paying Student Loans

Around 70% of college graduates leave school with some kind of student debt. Learn how you can pay yours back more effectively.

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Line Graph Sticker

Building Credit

It takes credit to get credit, which is crucial to buying a new home, finding a place to rent, or purchasing a new car. You have to start somewhere, start here.

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Health Line Sticker

Managing Illness

Illness can affect every part of your life, from your ability to work to navigating day-to-day tasks. Learn more about how to best manage the impact of an illness.

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Pie Sticker

Paying for Health Care

Paying for health care can take a lot of know-how. Master your finances by learning the ins and outs of insurance, HSAs, FSAs, HRAs, and more.

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Health Shield Sticker

Health Insurance

Premiums, deductibles, max out-of-pocket expenses—it may seem like too much to learn, but the right information can get you to a place of understanding.

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Home & Car


Truck Sticker


Gathering boxes is the easy part. A big move can make a big impact on your finances. Not to worry, being prepared is the safest way to avoid a massive uh-oh.

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Key Sticker

Renting a Place to Live

From security deposit to renter's insurance, renting a place to live comes with unique challenges. Rest easy with the power of knowledge.

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Folder Sticker

Owning a Home

There are a lot of responsibilities that come with owning a home. Learn more about paying off your mortgage, insuring your home, and more.

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Car Sticker

Getting a New Car

There's more to buying a new car than negotiating and signing on the dotted line. Know what your auto loan truly costs and how to navigate the car-buying

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For Sale Sticker

Selling a Home

Ready for a change of scenery? Selling your home is easier said than done, but careful research can help ensure that you're prepared for the financial impact.

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House Sticker

Buying a Home

The process of buying a house is riddled with specific terminology and important decisions. Set yourself up for success by studying the ins and outs of the process.

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Family & Kids


Cloud Sticker

Managing A Divorce

Divorce impacts your finances, from dividing assets to paying alimony or child support. Make sure you know what options are available to you.

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Sparkle Sticker

Getting Married

In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer...Actually, let's keep "poorer" out of it. You're a team now, tackle financial decisions, budgeting, and debt together.

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Sparkle Sticker

Growing Family

A growing family means growing expenses. But no worries, you must know what to expect when things change.

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Star Sticker

Teaching Kids Finances

Teaching kids about personal finances gives them a head start, and we don't just mean piggy banks!

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Laptop Sticker

Banzai Courses

The Banzai Courses use real-life scenarios to demonstrate the power of good financial planning. 

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Grid Sticker

Learning to Budget

Budgeting isn't about restriction, it's about prioritizing. The best way to avoid financial strain is to know where your money is going and plan ahead!

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Graduation Cap Sticker

Paying for College

Tuition is a big bill, but there are ways to make the cost of your dream school possible. Learn all you need to know to pay for that coveted degree.

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Laptop Sticker

Going to College

Off to college? Learn to budget and manage all the unexpected and kind-of-expected costs that come with being on your own.

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Job & Business


Calculator Sticker


Your business is running, but you might feel a little lost in all the purchases, receipts, payments, sales, and so on. How do you keep track of it all?

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Bullet List Sticker

Managing Employee Benefits

To find and keep high-quality candidates, you need to offer benefits. Understand what benefits you must provide and how to keep your employees happy.

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Pie Graph Sticker

Starting a Business

You have an idea, maybe even a business plan, but now what? You must find some capital, manage it carefully, and hit the ground running.

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Computer Sticker

Starting a New Job

New job. New benefits. New You. Start your job on the right foot and adjust your personal finances for your new income and benefits package.

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Broken Heart Sticker

Losing a Job

Losing a job is tough, but with a bit of planning and some research, you can navigate your way through it.

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Bar Graph Sticker

Raising Capital for your Business

To grow your business, you need capital. But how do you get it? Learn more about small business loans, lines of credit, and more.

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Calculator Sticker


Taxes are full of nuance and complicated jargon, these resources can help

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Security & Emergencies


Laptop Sticker

Elder Fraud

Senior citizens are the most targeted demographic for fraud and scams. Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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Lock Sticker

Fraud and Security

With hackers and scammers getting more proficient than ever, learn to protect yourself from fraud by using safe practices.

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Leaf Sticker

Managing Crisis

While a crisis is often unexpected, you can navigate through troubling times confidently by exploring your options and making educated decisions.

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Health Square Sticker

Planning for an Emergency

Predicting a car breaking down or losing a job is impossible, but it's absolutely possible to prepare for the financial blow.

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Line Graph Sticker

Economic Health

The economy influences your finances—maybe a little, maybe a lot. See how much the economy affects you.

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Line Graph Sticker

Navigating Inflation

Inflation may be a normal part of a healthy economy, but it still affects prices, the value of a dollar, and your budget.

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Investing & Retirement


Coins Sticker

Saving for Retirement

A lot goes into saving for retirement, and the decisions you make now will have a big impact on your future.

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Glasses Sticker

Planning for Retirement

Whether it's just around the corner or decades away, now is the perfect time to start planning your retirement.

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Squares Sticker

Building A Portfolio

It's not enough to invest once, to get a strong return and build your wealth, it's important to build a portfolio.

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Bank Sticker

Estate Planning

Whether large or modest, almost everyone has an estate—a collection of everything a person owns. Dictate what happens to it now.

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Leaf Sticker

Begin Investing

Investing can seem overwhelming. Stocks, growth, and markets—it's a lot to learn, but anyone can do it, and it's easier than you think.

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These collections have been republished with permission. View original collections here:

Promo Article_Digital Wallet

Digital Wallets &
Debit Card Utilization

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Promo Article_Interest Rate

How Changing Interest Rates
May Affect Your Finances

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Promo Article_Gov Loan

Government-Enhanced Loans
and Specialty Lending

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